Supplier Sustainability Pathways Reporting Guide
The NSPR aspires to be a catalyst to drive the general improvement of supplier sustainability performance and product development in Singapore. In support of this aspiration, the NSPR has embarked on a new initiative to get suppliers in Singapore to commit to reduction pathways for various sustainability metrics.
In 2020, the NSPR aims to identify at least 10 use cases for each of the selected consumption metrics for energy (in kWh), emissions (in kg CO2) and plastics (in kg), where organisations are able to get their suppliers to commit to a reduction pathway.
This document is intended as a guide for the NSPR to collate standardised data from NSPR members and non-members for sharing of best practices and the conduct of current and future NSPR research.
This is a limited-period initiative until 31 October 2020, or as directed by the NSPR.